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Limited, at best (or would that be worst). Once I worked for a kids' humor magazine, more than 25 years past, they censored some artwork, but it was not sexual content. They misinterpreted it as offensive in other ways too dumb to go into. But I Have been

Your illustrations regularly depict nudity. What's it about the naked form which makes you draw it so often?
I probably do thus less than I used to, because my pornography work apart, I normally comprise nudity when it is germane to what is happening. But it is only fun. The human body is interesting to draw.
Given the American sensitivity toward nudity, does this change your work and what you put into your publications or what you publish? Or how or where you print it?
Yes. In my own upcoming book, MAXIMUM MINIMUM WAGE(out Spring 2013 from Image Comics), I went in and really toned down some of the more obvious, or arguably gratuitous, nudity in hopes of reaching a bigger audience and not scaring away some more old-fashioned retailers. So, yeah, it is a thing you will need to think about. I've a prose novel I Have needed to compose set in Hell, and the cursed souls are bare inside it. My representative actually supported me to tone down the nudity in a book which was just text. I chose not to because that is taking it too far. Additionally , I tabled the novel for now, but for other reasons. But America is fairly odd about sex and nudity. It's a society obsessed with the prurient but completely at odds with its own nature.
Well now we have to inquire. Is it more enjoyable to draw male bits or female bits?
Male is more amusing, female is more satisfying.
Do you think anything should be censored? And where does one draw the line?
Yes. This really is becoming a bit dark, but anything involving kids. But even there I guess context is everything. If you merely described some of the things they have really depicted on South Park you might balk. But they are able to get away with some pretty improper items because they're geniuses at weighing the scale completely on the humor. I draw the line occasionally taking into consideration the marketplace. But in spite of what many people might believe, I Have only usually calmed down on specific issues. On the other hand, I did tone down Pariah. My first draft got considerably darker and nastier in specific arenas and I pared that back to make it more palatable.
Do you feel torn about the self-censorship?
Not actually. There is a time and a place. If the nudity is a distraction and doesn't function the storyline it maybe doesn't need to be there. But there is something to be said for alternative versions, sure. I enjoy that kind of thing. It is having your cake and eating it naked.
Does one think nonsexual nudity should be censored?
It is about context. I adore to depict nudity, but there's a time and a place. So, there is no tough, company, solution for that.
What can you think of the Nipplegate incident and in addition the recent case of an Austrian museum censoring its promotional artwork poster of naked guys? Do you think this type of censorship is becoming more prevalent? Is that okay?
The New Yorker thing is moronic. Sergio Aragones depicted bare breasts with dots for nipples in INSANE over thirty years past. And that is a magazine apparently for children. And the redrawn version makes no sense in the slightest. It's not a gag any more. If they were covering them at the actual exhibit that would be another matter.
There are other unclothed art posters plastered all over Vienna, except they feature full frontal female nudes. These were totally okay, while the male nudes caused a huge uproar. Any thoughts on this or why there was such a difference in reaction to them? Should just particular types of nudity be censored in public?
Okay, this points out several things. Some would claim that it is because female genitalia is internal (although these days, with some many women completely waxed, one could claim you are able to see plenty of the intimate human body), while men's touches are fully on show. I think it basically comes down to many (most?) Folks finds manhood kind of gross. Or foolish. Or both. What do I know?
So there you have it. The lowdown from two cartoonists and how they deal with nudity taboo, female nipple bulge and censorship.
What do you read ers think? Is nudity censorship getting away from control today?
Tags: breasts, censorship, genitals, pornography, topless / topfree